Michael Brady, Research Assistant
Mr. Brady graduated from Hunter College in 2009 with a BA in Geography. He joined the Institute in 2008 as a research assistant to the CUNY-wide Sustainability Curriculum Assessment and Recommendation Project. His work has since focused on researching climate protection levels and developing recommendations for climate change adaptation strategies for the New York City Panel on Climate Change (NPCC). During the Summer of 2008, Mike worked as a research intern for the Katrina Project at Brown University. Prior to attending college, he served as a Marine Science Technician in the United States Coast Guard. For two years he was the Ballast Water Management Program outreach coordinator for the Port of New York, an initiative to prevent the introduction of non-indigenous aquatic nuisance species via ships’ ballast water. His research interests include inland flood modeling and water resource management responses to environmental change.
Allan Frei, Ph.D., Deputy Director
Dr. Frei, the Deputy Director of CISC, is an associate professor in the Geography Department at Hunter College, CUNY. After receiving his Ph.D. from Department of Geography at Rutgers University in 1997, he spent four years at the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), which is part of the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) at the University of Colorado. In 2001 Dr. Frei moved to Hunter College. Dr. Frei is a climatologist whose research interests include issues related to climate change, including links to snow cover and sea ice across the Northern Hemisphere, as well as water resources in the New York City watershed region.
Dylan Gauthier, Media Coordinator
Dylan Gauthier joined the Institute as Media Coordinator in late 2010. Dylan is a media artist, designer and educator and has worked as media consultant, graphic, web and video designer and logistical engineer for non-profit and arts organizations and social justice groups in New York and abroad, and has collaborated with Right to the City initiatives and urban food sustainability and educational groups here in New York City. He is an MFA Candidate in the Department of Film and Media at Hunter College (Fall ’11), where he is also an Adjunct Professor. In addition to his work as a media artist and designer, Dylan also co-organizes Mare Liberum (thefreeseas.org) which seeks to find new ways to increase public access to and understanding of the city’s complex eco-network of living waterways.
Simon Gruber, Institute Fellow
Simon Gruber is an environmental planning and communications consultant specializing in water resources planning and protection, energy efficiency, high performance building and site design, and sustainable infrastructure. Since 1986 he’s worked with local and county government, non-profit organizations, and businesses in the Hudson Valley. Completed and ongoing projects include a county-wide stream biomonitoring program, a decentralized wastewater planning and demonstration initiative, the Moodna Creek watershed planning process, and development of regional green building and energy education programs. Recent initiatives include green infrastructure planning for watershed restoration and community revitalization, state energy policy research and communications, and several water policy projects. His work has a growing focus on job opportunities in these sectors and developing relevant training resources. His collaboration with CISC began in 2006 with a regional initiative to address climate change impacts on water resources. Contact sgruber100@verizon.net or go to the Green Infrastructure Resources page at www.hudsonvalleyregionalcouncil.com for more.
Peter Marcotullio, Ph. D., Deputy Director
Peter Marcotullio is Distinguished Lecturer at Hunter College (2007 – present), City University of New York (CUNY), where he teaches in the Department of Urban Affairs and Planning, the Department of Geography and in the CUNY Macaulay Honors College. His research interests include urban sustainable development, urban environmental transition theory, globalization and cities, urban and regional environmental planning and the relationship between urbanization and environment change. He has affiliations with the United Nations University, the International Human Dimensions Programme and ISCU’s Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment.
Oksana Mironova

Oksana Mironova is a MUP candidate at the Urban Affairs and Planning Department at Hunter College. Her academic interests include affordable housing policy and international planning. She is also interested in urban history. She joined CISC in 2011, as a City Atlas intern. Today, she is working on the Green Initiative Fund, a grant program for undergraduate student projects that minimize Hunter’s environmental impact.
Carina Molnar, Applied Programs Manager
Carina has an MA in International Affairs with a focus on Cities and Urbanization from the New School University, where her research focused on ecological solutions to economic, social, and environmental challenges that cities face, in both the developed and developing world. She has a BA in International Affairs from the University of Colorado at Boulder. As the Applied Programs Manager, Carina works with a variety of departments and organizations to develop informal-education and community based sustainability projects. She thinks that research and application should have a healthy amount of over-lap and that bottm-up solutions, with top-down support can help us solve our biggest urban challenges. Her research interests are environmental psychology and the intersection of urban design and psychological well-being.
Lesley Patrick, Program Manager
Lesley Patrick joined CISC as the program manager in 2007. She focuses on program development, fundraising and grant writing, and serves as project manager to CISC research projects. She is a member of the Science Planning Team of the New York City Panel on Climate Change (NPCC), the New York State Climate Change Impact and Adaptation Assessment project, and has served as a Working Group member of the CUNY Sustainability Curriculum Committee and as liaison to the Council of Environmental Deans and Directors (CEDD). Lesley is currently a doctoral student in Earth and Environmental Sciences program at the CUNY Graduate Center studying the application of paleotempestological records to present and future sea level rise induced flooding scenarios. She received her MS in the Geological Sciences from Rutgers University and BA in Earth Sciences from Boston University.
William Solecki, Ph.D., Institute Director
Dr. Solecki holds a BA in Geography from Columbia University and an MA and PhD in geography from Rutgers University. In addition to serving as Director of CISC, he is a professor in the Geography Department at Hunter College, CUNY. His research focuses on urban environmental change, urban land use, and suburbanization. He has served on the U.S. National Research Council’s Special Committee on Problems in the Environment. He has also served as the co-leader of the Metropolitan East Coast Assessment of Impacts of Potential Climate Variability and Change. He currently is a member of the International Geographical Union Megacity Study Group and the International Human Dimensions Programme, Urbanization and Global Environmental Change Scientific Steering Committee.
John Waldman, Ph. D., Institute Fellow
Dr. Waldman is the leading researcher on the City by the Coast Core Program Area. He is professor of biology at Queens College, City University of New York. Prior to this appointment in 2004, he was employed for 20 years by the Hudson River Foundation for Science and Environmental Research. He received his Ph.D. in 1986 from the Joint Program in Evolutionary Biology between the American Museum of Natural History and the City University of New York. His research interests focus on the ecology and evolution of fishes, particularly diadromous forms, urban aquatic environments, and historical ecology. He also is author of several popular books, including Heartbeats in the Muck: The History, Sea Life, and Environment of New York Harbor.