Feeding the Apple: New York’s Future Food Supply
Posted in CISC News, Featured, Projects and Events on Apr 11, 2018 9:48
“Feeding the Apple: New York’s Future Food Supply”
Wednesday, April 18 at 6:30 pm at the Museum of the City of New York (1220 Fifth Avenue)
The Museum of the City of New York (MCNY), as part of its ongoing program New York’s Future in a Changing Climate, will present a panel discussion on the future of the city’s food supply.
New York City is one of the world’s great food cities, brimming with culinary creativity and cuisines from around the world. At the same time, over a million New Yorkers have inadequate access to fresh, healthy food, and New Yorkers send over 2 million tons of food waste to landfills each year, while climate change threatens our food supply and the political environment imperils many agriculture workers.
How can we, as a city and as a world, transition to a more sustainable and equitable food system? What are the most far-reaching and provocative proposals for the future of food in New York? Dan Barber, chef and co-owner of two restaurants, Blue Hill in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village and Blue Hill at Stone Barns in Pocantico Hills, NY, joins New York Times Food reporter Julia Moskin for a conversation about how we can rethink what, and how, we eat.
A food industry revolutionary, Barber most recently spearheaded a pop-up restaurant, wastED, where he and guest chefs from around the country served meals composed entirely of ingredients destined for the garbage. From seeds to soil health to stem-to-root eating, Barber and Moskin will discuss what kind of menu will meet the challenges of the future—and do it deliciously.
Before and after the program, speak with representatives from Earth Day Initiative to find out how you can green your lifestyle through simple, impactful changes.
Register online at mcny.org/future | $20 with discount code FUTURE.