Dylan Gauthier, Research Fellow: Digital Media and Environmental Art
Posted in CISC People on Feb 9, 2015 4:34
Dylan Gauthier joined the Institute as Media Coordinator and Webmaster, building the CISC website and facilitating digital media production and development, since late 2010, and currently works with the Institute as a Fellow in Digital Media. Dylan is a media artist, designer and educator and has worked as a media consultant, graphic, web and video designer and logistical engineer for non-profit and arts organizations and social justice groups in New York and abroad, and has collaborated with Right to the City initiatives and urban food sustainability and educational groups here in New York City. He received his MFA in Integrated Media Arts from Hunter College in 2012, and currently teaches courses in the Film and Media Department. In addition to his work as a media artist and designer, Dylan also co-organizes Mare Liberum (thefreeseas.org) which seeks to find new ways to increase public access to and understanding of the city’s complex eco-network of living waterways.