The objective of this course is to provide students with an active learning experience during they will gain both theoretical and practical knowledge in the realm of civic engagement, specifically environmentalism. Students will address questions regarding the structure, implementation, and effectiveness of civic environmental activities.

The course will follow a chronological history of environmental movements ranging from the birth of environmental protection during the industrial revolution to 20th century issues including the creation of landmark environmental legislation and finally the current environmental challenges that communities are facing. Through out the course, the recurrent themes and questions will be: How are people-both lay and experts-involved in the environmental decision making process? What type of environmentalism is most appropriate for contemporary environmental issues such as global warming, environmental justice, and public health concerns?

Civic Environmentalism syllabus here


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The Institute for Sustainable Cities | CUNY Hunter College
695 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10065
Tel: (212) 396 - 6264 | Fax: (212) 396 - 6137
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