The Great Subway Race of 1967

The Great Subway Race of 1967

The Great Subway Race of 1967 Fifty years ago an M.I.T. computer whiz kid named Peter Samson and a group of his schoolmates attempted one of the most audacious stunts in the history of the New York City subway system. Samson programmed M.I.T.’s PDP-6 mainframe computer — about the size of a passenger elevator...

Is New York’s Future Sustainable?

Is New York’s Future Sustainable?

UPDATE:  There has been a change in the speaker lineup for the Gotham Center’s event on the future of sustainability in New York City.  Eric W. Sanderson of the Wildlife Conservation Society who recently spoke at an event hosted by the Institute will be speaking, as well as Denise Hoffman Brandt, Director of the...

Rising Urbanists: Green Infrastructure for the 22nd Century

Rising Urbanists: Green Infrastructure for the 22nd Century

A multi-disciplinary conference to imagine the potential for Green Infrastructure to act as a catalyst in driving urban design into the 22nd century. The CUNY Institute for Sustainable Cities joins the City College of New York Student Chapter of the America Society of Landscape Architects to invite students and professionals...


STEM Night: Conservation and Energy

April 7 @ 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm FREE for high school and college students! Do you have a passion for helping the environment? Join us for STEM Night: Conservation and Energy at the New York Hall of Science to explore the wide range of opportunities in conservation, energy and environmental science. Hear from guest speakers,...


NYC Organics Collection Outreach Associate position

The NYC Compost Project works to rebuild NYC’s soils by providing New Yorkers with the knowledge, skills, and opportunities they need to produce and use compost locally. The project is funded and managed by the NYC Department of Sanitation’s Bureau of Recycling and Sustainability. Learn more at

“The Well-Tempered City” book-signing and discussion with Jonathan Rose

“The Well-Tempered City” book-signing and discussion with Jonathan Rose

Jonathan Rose will speak about his book, “The Well-Tempered City: What Modern Science, Ancient Civilizations, and Human Nature Teach Us About the Future of Urban Life,” with discussion with the audience and a book-signing event following his talk.  Please join us for this free event at 5 pm on Thursday, March...

Creating Sustainable Cities: Pathways to Action

Creating Sustainable Cities: Pathways to Action

Creating Sustainable Cities: Pathways to Action, a half-day conference focusing on the science of urban sustainability for high school and college students. CUNY Institute for Sustainable Cities, in collaboration with the Bella Abzug Leadership Institute and Duro UAS, will be hosting Creating Sustainable Cities: Pathways...


CUNY Institute for Sustainable Cities Statement of Commitments, Post-Election

The CUNY Institute for Sustainable Cities (CISC) is committed to “the science of sustainability” as a tool for identifying opportunities available “to cities – and all their residents – for proactive responses” to environmental change including climate variability.  We stand with the tens of thousands of scientists...

A Historical Perspective on Water in New York City with Focus on Jamaica Bay

A Historical Perspective on Water in New York City with Focus on Jamaica Bay

E.E. Cummings once wrote, sitting near the long-since forgotten edge of Minetta Water in Greenwich Village, …For whatever we lose (like a you or a me), it’s always our self we find in the sea.” In this talk, Dr. Eric W. Sanderson of the Wildlife Conservation Society will attempt to find the part of the...


What Would It Mean to Understand Climate Change? November 29 at Columbia University

“What would it Mean to Understand Climate Change?” will be held on November 29th from 3:30PM – 5:30PM on the 2nd floor of the Heyman Center for the Humanities (see for directions). During this seminar, leading scholars from the fields of climate science (Isaac Held, NOAA/Princeton),...

William Solecki coauthors Nature article on growth and resilience of small and mid-sized cities

William Solecki coauthors Nature article on growth and resilience of small and mid-sized cities

Small and mid-size, not mega cities, are growing quickest and need protection against extreme events – says a new study Stuttgart, New York, Kampala, 28th September 2016 – 18 days before the UN conference on Cities (UN-Habitat III) a new study and an article in NATURE by an international team of researchers shows that...

Daylighting Tibbetts Brook

Daylighting Tibbetts Brook

Friday, February 19, 2016, from 7:00 – 9:00 PM Room 714 West Building, Hunter College Featuring: Steve Duncan, Urban Explorer Marit Larson, Director of Wetlands and Riparian Restoration, NYC Department of Parks and Recreation Michael Miscione, Manhattan Borough Historian Join the CUNY Institute for Sustainable...

UCCRN Empowers Cities on the Frontline of Climate Change

UCCRN Empowers Cities on the Frontline of Climate Change

COP21, PARIS – The Urban Climate Change Research Network (UCCRN) released the Summary for City Leaders of the upcoming Second UCCRN Assessment Report on Climate Change and Cities (ARC3.2) at the COP21 Climate Summit for Local Leaders. UCCRN is dedicated to providing the information that city leaders–from government,...

Bringing Back New York’s Oysters

Bringing Back New York’s Oysters

Friday, November 20, 2015, 7:00 – 9:00 PM Room 714 Hunter West Building The CUNY Institute for Sustainable Cities is pleased to present “Bringing Back New York’s Oysters”, a presentation by Pete Malinowski, Director of the Billion Oyster Project, to discuss the Project’s efforts to rebuild...


The Ethical and Ecological Dynamics of Indigenous Resilience Planning

THE ETHICAL AND ECOLOGICAL DYNAMICS OF INDIGENOUS RESILIENCE PLANNING October 21st, 6:30-8:30pm, CUNY Graduate Center, Room C198 (Basement) “RENEWING RELATIVES: INDIGENOUS RESILIENCE PLANNING” -Kyle Pows Whyte, (Philosophy, Timnick Chair in the Humanities; Michigan State University) INDIGENOUS ECOLOGICAL PATTERNS OF...


“Just Bike It” TGIF Session on Biking at Hunter College

The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF) at Hunter College will be holding a biking event at Poses Park this Thursday, Oct. 8, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm to promote the new bike racks and tire pump funded through a TGIF grant. The event will have a bike repair demonstration from a local bike shop, a presentation on safe biking from NYC...


Green Infrastructure & Urban Revitalization: Linking Smart Growth, Resilience and Watershed Restoration

April 22, 2015   9:15 am – 4:30 pm SUNY Orange – Kaplan Hall Great Room, Newburgh, NY This workshop will focus on diverse initiatives for incorporating green infrastructure in planning, education, watershed restoration, smart growth and resilience initiatives for small cities and other community centers in the region. ...


Drinking Quality Water

When: Friday April 10, 2015, 7:00pm  Where: Hunter College Room 714 (West Building) It can be argued that using chlorine in drinking water created the biggest improvement in public health in modern history. Typhoid fever was not eradicated in the U.S. until the widespread use of water disinfection was realized. Michael...

C40 Launches City Climate Change Hazard Taxonomy for Public Comment

C40 Launches City Climate Change Hazard Taxonomy for Public Comment

Today, at the UNISDR World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, C40 officially launched for public comment the City Climate Hazard Taxonomy, a structured description of the key climate hazards that cities are facing. The Taxonomy was developed by C40 and ARUP with funding from Bloomberg Philanthropies. Cities are...

Reopening The High Bridge: Celebration Planning Forum

Reopening The High Bridge: Celebration Planning Forum

Monday, March 30, 2015, 6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Please join NYC Parks, Partnerships for Parks, the Harlem River Working Group and The High Bridge Coalition at these community forums to review plans for celebrating the bridge’s reopening, and consider how your group could enhance those plans. Partner with us to make...

High Bridge: A New Beginning

High Bridge: A New Beginning

When/Where: Friday March 13 at 7pm – Hunter College West Building Room HW714 The High Bridge is slated to reopen as a walkway in summer 2015. Come hear Bryan Diffley, the Project Manager of the renovation, speak about NYC’s oldest standing bridge. An engineering treasure, the High Bridge was built in 1848 to bring...

Baruch Climate Change Seminar: “State of Adaptation in the US”

Baruch Climate Change Seminar: “State of Adaptation in the US”

with Adam Parris, Executive Director, Science and Resilience Center at Jamaica Bay, Brooklyn College, CUNY When: February 26, 2015, 12:30pm Where: Baruch – Newman Vertical Campus – Room 14-285 Light lunch will be served Adam is a physical scientist who has previously served as division chief for Climate Assessment...

Oceans of Trash: Tackling Marine Plastic Pollution

Oceans of Trash: Tackling Marine Plastic Pollution

Hunter College’s East Harlem Art Gallery and CUNY Institute for Sustainable Cities Presents: Oceans of Trash: Tackling Marine Plastic Pollution A program in conjunction with the exhibition Washed Up: Transforming a Trashed Landscape, photos by Alejandro Durán. Saturday, January 31, 2015 2:30 – 5PM with reception to...

Sea Turtles on the 7 Train

Sea Turtles on the 7 Train

In 2001 the MTA retired its fleet of Redbird subway cars. It gave the trains to states on the Atlantic coast to serve as artificial reefs for fish. The program has been successful in supporting the web of undersea life and attracts game fish, which in turn draws sport fishermen and scuba divers to the reefs. New Jersey,...

Biomimicry + Urban Green Harbors Workshop

Biomimicry + Urban Green Harbors Workshop

Two years since Superstorm Sandy, the world is a different place. Everyone is talking about “resilient coastal cities”, but what does that really mean? What can we learn from inherently sustainable and resilient natural systems? And how can we apply nature’s adaptive strategies to our urban harbors? THE...


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Tel: (212) 396 - 6264 | Fax: (212) 396 - 6137
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